Details Matter: Always Keep Accurate Workers' Comp Bill History

Details Matter: Always Keep Accurate Workers' Comp Bill History

When it comes to protecting your office’s revenue, maintaining detailed and accurate records is crucial. Especially when disputes over billing and payment arise, it’s often the party with the most complete, confirmed documentation that prevails.

That’s why a superior, intuitive, easy-to-use Bill History function was a special focus in the design and implementation of our Billing Software.

Our Bill history feature offers a complete lifecycle history of each and every one of our providers’ bills, from the moment of creation on. Every submission, every payment, and every task in between is accessible, along with any other relevant notes the provider adds.

Some of the key information Bill History maintains includes:

  • The details of every “task” completed by provider staff regarding the bill
  • Submission details, including submission date, method, and due dates
  • Links to supporting documents
  • e-Bill receipt acknowledgement from the claims administrator
  • Fax receipts for non-electronic bills
  • Reimbursement details, including due dates, amounts, and receipt dates
  • Audit complaints associated with the bill
  • Write-off information

We believe that thoroughness is paramount — but thoroughness doesn’t have to be difficult, time-consuming, or costly in administrative resources. All it takes is the right technology for the job.

If you’re ready to take the hassle out of billing, authorization, record-keeping, and all the rest, we’ve got the software for you. Sign up for a free demonstration of our Billing Software today.


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