DWC Posts Changes to the Workers' Comp OMFS

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DWC Posts Changes to the Workers' Comp OMFS

Yesterday the DWC released its adjustments to the workers’ compensation fee schedule, which it had delayed since the beginning of the year. These changes take effect for dates of service on or after March 1, 2015.

Highlights of the changes to the OMFS include:

  • Updates to the Conversion Factors that apply the Medicare relative value scale adjustments and the Medicare Economic Index (MEI) inflation increase.
  • Adoption of the CMS Medicare National Physician Fee Schedule Relative Value File (RVU file) RVU15A and related files.
  • Updates to the Statewide Geographic Adjustment Factors.
  • Adoption of the 2015 National Correct Coding Initiative Edits/2015 NCCI Policy Manual.
  • Updates to the California-specific codes with the MEI inflation increase.

These changes are part of SB 863 and conform the workers’ compensation OMFS to relevant 2015 changes in the Medicare payment system as required by Labor Code section 5307.1. Details in Newsline No.: 2015-14 and on the DWC website.

Subscribe to DaisyBill’s updates to find out about upcoming webinars where we explain what these changes mean to you and how to implement them.

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