Liberty Mutual Incorrectly Denying Bills Using Explain Code B649

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Liberty Mutual Incorrectly Denying Bills Using Explain Code B649

Claims Administrator:  Liberty Mutual

Issue:  Incorrect denial of bills

Status:  Open

Description: Recently, claims administrator Liberty Mutual has incorrectly denied bills for not being on the correct "filing form."  The denials on paper EOR's use the explain code B649 which translates to "Incorrect Filing Form."  The denials coming via electronic EOR are not using the standardized CARC's.  

All of the bills we've reviewed were in fact submitted using the correct form.  A Liberty Mutual representative acknowledges that the denials resulted from an error within Liberty Mutual’s system.  We are confident that Liberty Mutual will resolve this issue soon, as it is generally responsive and has been very cooperative in the past.

Steps to Take:

  • DaisyBiller:  DaisyBill is monitoring this issue and is working with Liberty Mutual to resolve it for our users.  If you received an electronic EOR, you don’t need to do anything else at this point.  If you received a paper denial for this reason, please upload the denial EOR to your DaisyBill account.  DaisyBill is tracking these bills, and is working with Liberty Mutual to have them properly reprocessed.
  • Non-DaisyBiller:  We recommend checking your recent denials from Liberty Mutual, whether for electronic or paper bills.  If you find incorrect B649 denials, contact your billing platform for re-processing of these bills.

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