At daisyNews, we share workers’ comp billing updates, guides, advocacy, and more.
But as a reader recently pointed out, daisyNews apparently neglects to share one crucial thing: what daisyBill does exactly.
The answer: we make workers’ comp billing painless for providers.
Thousands of providers throughout the US use daisyBill to manage millions of workers’ comp bills. Below, we outline the solutions we offer to manage the complexities and challenges (and outright thievery) foisted upon doctors who treat injured workers.
In short, daisyBill is a workers’ comp electronic billing platform that gets providers reimbursed for treating injured workers, quickly and accurately.
We maintain dedicated, secure electronic connections with payers and their clearinghouses to route provider bills to the right place instantly.
With a task-based system that tracks the entire life cycle of every workers’ comp bill, our software helps practice staff manage requests for authorization, bill submissions, payments, and appeals for correct payment.
Most importantly, daisyBill’s ultimate mission is to improve access to care for injured workers.
By reducing billing friction and making the treatment of injured workers more financially sustainable for providers, we believe we can slow the exodus of frustrated providers from the workers’ comp system, giving injured workers more quality options for care.
From basic help with fee schedule calculations, to full-on managed billing by our in-house experts, daisyBill offers four tools to empower workers’ comp providers:
Below are details about each of these solutions.
What it does: daisyBill software is our flagship product, a complete system for submitting requests for authorization, complete e-bills, and appeals to dispute inaccurate reimbursements and denials.
With daisyBill, providers can easily submit Requests for Authorization (RFAs), instantly calculate correct fee schedule reimbursement, create and submit compliant bills, and instantly appeal incorrect bill adjustments.
Yep, it does all that — easily and quickly.
How it makes workers’ comp easier: Snail mail is a liability. Lost bills, slow payments, and missing documents are a drag on revenue — and an opportunity for improper adjustments. daisyBill protects your bottom line with e-bills that can’t get “lost in the mail,” and even scrubs each bill before it goes out.
The result? Just check out our average days to payment.
When the claims administrator improperly denies or adjusts the charges, the provider simply selects the procedure codes to appeal, enter the appeal reason, and daisyBill creates a complete Second Review appeal based on information from the original submission.
To make things even easier, daisyBill tracks RFAs, bills, appeals, and payer responses to create clear workflows, with automated prompts and task reminders.
Add analytics, a claims administrator directory with hard-to-find information, and live support from our staff, and workers’ comp becomes a lot easier and more manageable.
Note that daisyBill includes everything that comes with our other software products: daisyWizard and daisyAuth.
Available for: All 50 states plus the US Department of Labor
What it does: daisyWizard calculates the exact, correct reimbursements owed for procedures according to state fee schedules.
How it makes workers’ comp easier: Providers simply enter the appropriate procedure codes and other relevant billing information, and voila: you instantly know the reimbursement owed for a workers’ comp bill. daisyWizard shows historical reimbursement data, and includes helpful explainer PDFs.
Bonus: daisyWizard also allows providers to set up Fee Schedule Alerts, which automatically notify your office via email about changes to your most frequently used billing codes.
Other tools include:
daisyWizard also includes live support from our staff. We’ve got your back!
Available for: California, New York State, US Department of Labor
What it does: daisyAuth makes it quick and easy to create and submit compliant RFAs, and tracks the UR response from the payer to help ensure timely authorization.
How it makes workers’ comp easier: Providers enter the required RFA information, and daisyBill faxes the RFA directly to the claims administrator, Utilization Review (UR), adjuster, or other claims handling location. daisyAuth also documents when the RFA goes out, providing verifiable proof and establishing the required UR response date.
Like our other software products, daisyAuth includes automated workflows and task reminders, so your office is always ahead of the game. In addition, daisyAuth provides:
And of course, daisyAuth clients also have access to live support.
Available for: California
What it does: daisyCollect is a concierge service; our staff manages the provider’s workers’ comp billing and collections from end to end.
How it makes workers’ comp easier: The provider treats, enters basic billing information, and uploads documents into the daisyBill app. From there, our team of borderline-obsessive workers’ comp billing professionals takes care of the rest.
If they don’t want to, the provider doesn’t even have to think about workers’ comp billing. daisyCollect agents personally submit the e-bills, pursue appeals when necessary, and use their extensive knowledge and experience to act as highly qualified guardians of practice revenue.
daisyCollect also shows the provider exactly how efficiently their revenue is being managed with actionable analytics — not just charts and graphs. Providers know exactly how quickly their practice is paid, how much daisyCollect is saving via appeals, and where improvements can be made in coding, documentation, and more.
Available for: California
Through the four products above, daisyBill levels the playing field for workers’ comp providers.
Beset by ever-changing fee schedules and billing rules, byzantine regulations, and unscrupulous payer practices, providers can only make workers’ comp sustainable with the right technology and expertise.
DaisyBill provides content as an insightful service to its readers and clients. It does not offer legal advice and cannot guarantee the accuracy or suitability of its content for a particular purpose.