DaisyBill Mail Delivers When Needed

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DaisyBill Mail Delivers When Needed

Let’s start with some old news: Since October 2012, California claims administrators must accept electronic billing for workers’ compensation bills. Fast-forward four years, and most claims administrators are compliant and process electronic billing sent by providers. But as you probably know, a few claims administrators still struggle with accepting electronic bills. Sometimes, providers have no choice but to print and mail work comp bills to these struggling claims administrators. That brings us to some new news. Last week, our product team unleashed our latest feature: DaisyBill Mail.

When snail-mail is the only option to submit a client’s bill, DaisyBill Mail will conveniently mail the bill to a verified bill submission mail route for the claims administrator in question. Our team will simply print it out and get it to the USPS – guaranteed.

At present, DaisyBill has established verified mailing routes for the following claims administrators, none of which accept electronic or faxed bills[1]:

  • Uninsured Employers Benefit Trust Fund (UEBTF)
  • Subsequent Injuries Benefit Trust Fund (SIBTF)
  • Tribal First
  • Washington State Department of Labor and Industries

Any additional cost for mailed bill submissions is determined by the number of pages being mailed.

To reduce the mailing surcharge, DaisyBillers should reduce the number of pages of Supporting Documentation sent with the bill – reducing the pages, reduces the amount of necessary postage. Of course, DaisyBillers may also still print and mail bills. Consider DaisyBill Mail a convenience – we’ll save you a trip to the post office.

With DaisyBill Mail, you can cross claims administrator non-compliance off your list of bill submission worries. Neither snow nor rain nor heat nor refusal to accept electronic billing shall keep your workers’ comp bill from getting where it needs to go. As far as we’re concerned, that’s a win for the entire workers’ comp system.

Want to learn more about e-billing for California workers’ comp? We hosted a webinar in May devoted to e-Billing, and we shared eye-popping data on compliance, time to payment, and more. Watch it below to get up to speed.


[1] When possible, DaisyBill establishes a direct fax connection to claims administrators who do not accept electronic billing.

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