Think about what workers' comp providers go through to obtain correct payment for treating injured workers. Compliant authorization and billing are taxing enough. Appealing incorrect reimbursements or denials with a request for Second Review means even more work. Then, when the Second Review appeal fails to produce proper compensation, the only recourse is to navigate yet another onerous process: Independent Bill Review (IBR).
Fortunately, the IBR process — though extremely burdensome — is navigable, and usually the provider prevails.
We’ve discussed the unholy hassle that is the Second Review process, with all its requirements. But when the insurer responds to a Second Review appeal without additional payment, it’s time to appeal to a higher authority. In this case, that higher authority is Maximus Federal Services, a private firm tasked by the Division of Workers' Compensation (DWC) with resolving payment disputes.
We here at daisyBill haven’t been shy in pointing out Maximus’ missteps. But the good news is that in about 75% of cases, Maximus rules in favor of the provider. Think about that: according to the state-sanctioned arbiter of all disputes, the provider is right the vast majority of the time.
The bad news? Requesting IBR requires extraordinary administrative time and resources, including a payment of $180.00 from the provider. As in the rest of workers' comp, the provider must fight and pay to obtain their due reimbursement.
The IBR process was one of the sweeping reforms brought on by the passage of Senate Bill 863. Before that, filing a lien was the only way to address a dispute. Because so many disputes are strictly about the amount owed (rather than more complex questions regarding compensability), SB 863 established the Second Review and IBR processes to resolve those differences more expediently.
The first step for providers is to make sure that the bill in question is eligible for IBR. Before requesting IBR, confirm the bill meets the following three requirements:
Providers must submit the request for IBR according to (you guessed it) strict regulations. Failure to comply with any of the rules will result in (you guessed it again!) dismissal of the provider’s appeal. For Maximus to consider the bill in question, the provider must:
Providers can request IBR either electronically by registering with Maximus, or by mailing the request and its attendant documents to the address provided on the DWC IBR web page. For reference purposes, daisybill maintains a searchable database of all of the IBR decisions issued by Maximus,
The IBR process is a harrowing one, but the more providers insist on their right to just compensation — whatever it takes — the better off California workers' compensation will be. The lengths to which providers must go to obtain the reimbursement they’ve earned reflects a systemic bias against those who treat injured workers. That said, providers can (and should) fight back.
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