Discount Dangers, Part I: The Silent PPO
Aug 18, 2017
Discount Dangers, Part I: The Silent PPO
Discount Dangers is a DaisyBill series on the various ways discount contracts cheat workers’ comp providers out of reimbursement. With this series, we shine a light on the wo...
Hospital Outpatient Prospective Payment System: C-APC Explained
Aug 2, 2017
Hospital Outpatient Prospective Payment System: C-APC Explained
Yesterday on the blog, we described how Medicare’s adoption of Addendum B for the Hospital Outpatient Departments and Ambulatory Surgical Centers (ASCs) fee schedule moves th...
Hospital Outpatient Prospective Payment System: J1 Status Indicator Explained
Aug 1, 2017
Hospital Outpatient Prospective Payment System: J1 Status Indicator Explained
Late last year, the Division of Workers’ Comp (DWC) drastically changed the reimbursement calculations used for Hospital Outpatient Departments and Ambulatory Surgical Center...
New Feature Calculates Total Reimbursement for Multiple Bills
May 19, 2017
New Feature Calculates Total Reimbursement for Multiple Bills
DaisyBill came into 2017 with a clear mission: to make workers’ comp simple for the California medical billing community. That goal drives our team every day, and we’re pleas...
Billing Procedure Code 0232T for Platelet-Rich Plasma Injections
Mar 24, 2017
Billing Procedure Code 0232T for Platelet-Rich Plasma Injections
Last week on the blog, we examined the rare phenomenon of procedure codes whose reimbursements are established “by report.” This occurs when the Physician Fee Schedule fails ...
2017 Fee Schedule Changes Again – Learn How to Keep Up
Mar 22, 2017
2017 Fee Schedule Changes Again – Learn How to Keep Up
Well, that didn’t take long. Earlier this month – only eight days after officially adopting the Quarter 1 Physician Fee Schedule – the California Division of Workers’ Compens...
2017 Work Comp Reimbursement Cheat Sheet
Mar 1, 2017
2017 Work Comp Reimbursement Cheat Sheet
This post includes payment information for 2017 dates of service only. For reimbursement changes effective January 1, 2018 see ourUltimate 2018 Work Comp Reimbursement...
5 Things You Need to Know About the March OMFS Changes
Feb 28, 2017
5 Things You Need to Know About the March OMFS Changes
Tomorrow’s the day. The new Physician and Non-Physician Fee Schedule – announced by the California Division of Workers’ Compensation in January – finally rolls into effect fo...
2017 California-Specific Code Reimbursements Updated
Feb 23, 2017
2017 California-Specific Code Reimbursements Updated
Earlier this month, we reported on the upcoming changes to the Physician and Non-Physician Services section of the Official Medical Fee Schedule (OMFS). California’s Division...
New Fee Schedule Adds Place of Service Code for Telemedicine
Feb 9, 2017
New Fee Schedule Adds Place of Service Code for Telemedicine
This week, we provided an overview of the upcoming changes to the Physician and Non-Physician section of the Official Medical Fee Schedule (OMFS). Today, we turn our attentio...
Non-Face-To-Face Service Reimbursable 2017 (CPT 99358, 99359)
Feb 8, 2017
Non-Face-To-Face Service Reimbursable 2017 (CPT 99358, 99359)
Changes have been made to the California OMFS since the publication of this article. Be sure to see the latest analyses here and here.2021 OMFS updates drastically cha...
DWC Adopts Changes to Physician Fee Schedule, Effective March 1
Feb 7, 2017
DWC Adopts Changes to Physician Fee Schedule, Effective March 1
Late last month, the California Division of Workers’ Compensation (DWC) posted an order announcing their upcoming adjustment to the Physician and Non-Physician section of the...