RFA For Emergency Treatment in California Workers' Comp
Jul 12, 2018
RFA For Emergency Treatment in California Workers' Comp
First, let’s be clear that providers never have to wait for authorization before providing emergency treatment an acute medical condition. Never.However, the provider ...
Conditional Authorization: How MPNs Cheat Workers’ Comp Providers
Jun 22, 2018
Conditional Authorization: How MPNs Cheat Workers’ Comp Providers
Medical Provider Networks (MPNs) are a drag on California workers’ compensation. Nominally designed to help employers control costs, MPNs rarely achieve more than throwing up...
3 Facts About Automatic Authorization for Workers’ Compensation
Apr 25, 2018
3 Facts About Automatic Authorization for Workers’ Compensation
Recently, a DaisyBill client reached out with questions regarding automatic authorization. The source of the confusion was a slideshow presentation from the California Coalit...
Complete 2018 Automatic Authorization Guide for California Workers’ Comp
Mar 9, 2018
Complete 2018 Automatic Authorization Guide for California Workers’ Comp
Over the last several months, we blogged extensively (and hosted a free comprehensive webinar) on the new automatic authorization process for California workers’ comp. Here, ...
Authorization/Utilization Review: Why Peer-to-Peer Calls Are a Bad Idea
Feb 16, 2018
Authorization/Utilization Review: Why Peer-to-Peer Calls Are a Bad Idea
There’s been lots to say about authorization and utilization review (UR) this year, especially given the major changes to the process. However, one UR rule that remains the s...
What’s New for Workers’ Comp in 2018: CA Senate Bill 1160
Feb 9, 2018
What’s New for Workers’ Comp in 2018: CA Senate Bill 1160
In 2016 California passed Senate Bill 1160, which heralded significant workers’ compensation reform. SB 1160 outlined major changes to authorization, utilization review, lien...
Treatments That Do NOT Qualify for Automatic Authorization in Workers’ Comp
Feb 8, 2018
Treatments That Do NOT Qualify for Automatic Authorization in Workers’ Comp
Automatic authorization for California workers’ comp is in effect, but not all treatments qualify. In fact, the Division of Workers’ Compensation (DWC) has specificall...
“Automatic” Authorization, but Denied Bill? How to Appeal the Denial
Feb 7, 2018
“Automatic” Authorization, but Denied Bill? How to Appeal the Denial
The new “automatic” authorization process for workers’ comp is in effect, as of January 1. We’ve discussed this new system extensively on our blog and in our recent webinar, ...
Fast-Track UR for Workers’ Comp: New Rules for Entities Conducting UR
Feb 1, 2018
Fast-Track UR for Workers’ Comp: New Rules for Entities Conducting UR
We spent the last few weeks bringing readers up to speed on the new “automatic” authorization and “fast-track” utilization review (UR) process for workers’ comp. While we’ve ...
Authorization 2018: New Billing and RFA Deadlines
Jan 12, 2018
Authorization 2018: New Billing and RFA Deadlines
The new “fast-track” automatic authorization process took effect on January 1, 2018. Under certain circumstances, some providers may provide “automatically” authorized treatm...
Authorization: 6 Qualifying Conditions for Fast-track Automatic Authorization
Jan 5, 2018
Authorization: 6 Qualifying Conditions for Fast-track Automatic Authorization
On January 1, 2018, the new “fast-track” automatic authorization takes effect. In certain cases, some providers will be able to provide treatment without first submitting a R...
2018 Authorization/Utilization Review: Major Changes Effective 1/1/2018
Dec 1, 2017
2018 Authorization/Utilization Review: Major Changes Effective 1/1/2018
Senate Bill 1160 makes significant changes to the authorization and utilization review (UR) process starting in 2018. New “fast-track” UR takes effect on January 1. Fa...