Berkshire Hathaway Homestate Companies Switches Clearinghouse

Berkshire Hathaway Homestate Companies Switches Clearinghouse

Effective July 23, 2021, Berkshire Hathaway Homestate Companies (BHHC) switches its EDI clearinghouse, from Jopari to Carisk. The change will affect all bills sent electronically for all dates of service. Read on for details regarding bill submission and more.

BHHC: From Jopari to Carisk

Starting July 23, to electronically transmit workers’ comp bills to BHHC, the correct Carisk Payer ID is E0679.

For non-electronic billing, providers should send bills to:

Berkshire Hathaway Homestate Companies
PO Box 881716
San Francisco, CA 94188

All BHHC claim numbers will remain the same after the July 23 switch to Carisk.

Providers may direct any questions to BHHC’s workers’ comp claims department at (888) 495-8949.

As always, DaisyBill software will be updated to reflect the latest changes.

DaisyBill doesn’t miss a beat. Changes to TPAs, clearinghouses, and bill review services are just one part of what we navigate on providers’ behalf. To make authorization, billing, and appeals easier and faster, contact us today.


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