The federal Department of Labor (DOL)’s Office of Workers’ Compensation Program (OWCP) has a new mandatory billing requirement for providers effective January 10, 2025.
According to a recent announcement from the OWCP, all provider bills for the treatment of federal employees must include claimant-identifying information. If the provider does not comply, the DOL will return the bill to the provider.
daisyBill providers do not need to take any new action or modify their billing workflows because daisyBill billing software does not allow providers to submit bills without identifying the claim number, which satisfies the OWCP requirement.
More details and the message from the OWCP are below.
Per the OWCP email below, all professional, institutional, and dental bills for treating injured DOL employees must include “claimant information,” either:
Federal Employee’s Compensation Act (FECA) bills submitted with the SSN and DOB must include the claimant’s date of injury (DOI).
As part of daisyBill’s automatic bill “scrubbing” process, our billing software will not send bills without an identifying DOL claim number. If a bill is missing the claim number, daisyBill will alert the provider to include it before allowing submission to ensure a clean, compliant bill.
Detailed instructions regarding which specific information meets OWCP billing requirements are included in the email.
Providers can expect rapid reimbursement in response to bills delivered electronically (e-bills) to the DOL.
Data from our free public Claims Administrator and Network Directory show that the DOL reimburses providers on average in eight days. As indicated below, you can search the directory for details on the DOL, including contact numbers, web portal access, and payment statistics.
If your practice does not receive payment from the DOL within 8 days, contact our experts—we can help!
daisyNews will report any further updates to DOL billing requirements in this space.
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