daisyWizard: A $49 Subscription Makes Workers' Comp (Way) Easier

daisyWizard: A $49 Subscription Makes Workers' Comp (Way) Easier

Ask any California provider, biller, claims administrator, bill review service, or attorney: one of the most exhausting challenges of workers’ comp is calculating the correct reimbursement amounts owed for treatment, DMEPOS, ASC, pharmaceuticals, copy services, and Medical-Legal services.

Ever-changing fee schedules and complex fee-affecting regulations consume time and resources. Payers and providers engage in costly disputes over how much is owed. Attorneys on both sides are trained in workers’ comp law—but not in byzantine rules around Conversion Factors, NCCI edits, and other billing minutiae.

But the most surprising thing about calculating reimbursements is that it’s a solved problem.  

The technology exists to make these calculations easy, as anyone who uses daisyWizard can attest—and it costs less than your monthly coffee budget. daisyWizard has calculated reimbursements for millions of bills accurately without fail over the last decade-plus.

Not only do doctors’ billing staff use the Wizard, but claims administrators, bill review services, attorneys, and others on both sides of the provider/payer divide also use the Wizard to obtain quick and accurate reimbursement calculations. In a word, the Wizard simply…works.

That’s why we offer this technology as a separate subscription for $49/month, for those who don’t need the full daisyBill e-billing software suite or managed billing service.

Small Investment, Huge Advantage

We all have a calculator on our phone. But calculating reimbursements for injured workers’ treatment is a much heavier lift than your standard arithmetic—see this article on 2024 California fee schedules for just a small taste of how complicated it can get.

Programmed with our deep, nerd-level understanding of fee schedules (and always updated), the daisyWizard figures out the correct reimbursement amount every time. Clients simply enter the procedure codes and other required information, and the Wizard does the math.

However, the Wizard doesn’t ask for blind trust; every calculation comes with a detailed breakdown of every factor involved in the formula, which will stand up to scrutiny by any authority.

In addition, providers can set up ‘Fee Schedule Alerts’ for their most frequently used procedure codes, and receive instant email notifications about changes in reimbursement rates. This way, you’ll know if your office is being paid correctly, or if the claims administrator is dragging their feet in updating their systems.

daisyWizard users also get:

  • MPN List: Our searchable directory of approved Medical Provider Networks (MPNs)
  • Drug Formulary Tool: a searchable directory of exempt and non-exempt pharmaceuticals under the Medical Treatment Utilization Schedule (MTUS)
  • IBR Decision Library: Research billing disputes and gather support for your case during Independent Bill Review (IBR)
  • Live support from daisyBill staff

The daisyWizard is included with daisyBill e-billing software. However, we also offer the Wizard separately as a standalone tool, allowing providers, billers, and claims administrators to—at a minimum—solve the biggest challenge: consistently getting the payment amounts right.

This saves everyone time and resources and precludes pointless disputes that are a drag on the entire system. For our Wizard-only clients, the $49 per month fee pays for itself countless times over by removing this key piece of friction.

The daisyWizard calculates reimbursements for treatment rendered to injured workers in California, New York, and the US Department of Labor. You can see how it works in the short video below.

Know (and get) exactly what you’re owed for treating injured workers. Get instant, accurate fee schedule calculations with the daisyWizard.


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