TX: DWC to Host "Brown Bag" Meetings on Dispute Resolution

TX: DWC to Host "Brown Bag" Meetings on Dispute Resolution

Workers’ comp can be tricky ground for providers, with more complexities than a game of 4-level chess. That’s why we work so hard to offer insights, guides, and data here on daisyNews.

That said, it’s incredibly nice to see a state regulatory agency making just as much effort to keep providers informed and educated. That’s why we’re such fans of the Texas Division of Workers’ Compensation (TX DWC), which consistently offers providers opportunities to learn how the system works.

Coming up this fall: the TX DWC is hosting a series of “Brown Bag” meetings to discuss dispute resolution.

Providers and other stakeholders are invited to hear from TX DWC subject matter experts on disputes about treatment, benefits, reimbursement, and more. The schedule and locations of the meetings are below.

TX DWC: Join Leaders for Dispute Resolution Talks

The “Brown Bag” meetings will take place from September 13 through October 18th in various TX DWC field offices around the state. The final meeting will also be available to attend on Zoom. All meetings are from 12 to 1:30 PM.

All of the meetings will focus on dispute resolution, which can include conflicts over the work-relatedness of an injury, compensability and liability, the medical necessity of treating doctors’ proposed treatments, and (of course) correct reimbursement amounts.

TX DWC leadership will be in attendance, ready to take questions and clarify exactly what stakeholders need to know. They include:

  • Deputy Commissioner of Hearings Allen Craddock
  • Director of Appeals Panel Kara Squier
  • Director of Dispute Processing Tiffany Duarte
  • Director of Northwestern Regions Gerri-Lyn Thomas
  • Director of Southeastern Regions Jeff Carothers

The schedule of meetings is as follows.


Brown Bag Meeting Location


Houston East Field Office


El Paso Field Office


Dallas Field Office


San Antonio Field Office


Amarillo Field Office


Hybrid: Austin Field Office + Zoom

TX DWC organizers note that the hosts will take questions from attendees, but will not discuss any specific ongoing disputes. For more information, see the TX DWC Brown Bag meetings web page.

Also, take a look at the brief video from the TX DWC below, and see what it looks like when state workers’ comp authorities actually seem to care about their role in managing and improving the system.

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