California DWC

CA Workers' Comp: Broken by Design?
Jul 25, 2024
CA Workers' Comp: Broken by Design?
In response to our recent report on new, burdensome regulatory changes proposed by California’s Division of Workers’ Compensation (DWC), a California provider sent us an impa...
CA DWC to Impose Costly New Reporting Burdens on Providers
Jul 24, 2024
CA DWC to Impose Costly New Reporting Burdens on Providers
California’s Division of Workers’ Compensation (DWC) is proposing major changes to the forms providers use for injured workers’ Progress Reports, the Doctors’ First Report of...
LA Metro Transit Authority: 12,879 Audit Complaints Filed
Jul 17, 2024
LA Metro Transit Authority: 12,879 Audit Complaints Filed
The Los Angeles County Metropolitan Transit Authority (LA Metro), a public self-insured employer, fails to fulfill one of its most basic (but essential) legal obligations to ...
DWC's Updated IBR Form - F Is for Fail
Jul 16, 2024
DWC's Updated IBR Form - F Is for Fail
California’s Division of Workers’ Compensation (DWC) recently updated Form IBR-1, which providers use to request an Independent Bill Review (IBR)—but did so without publicizi...
CA OMFS Update: Physician Services (Q3 2024)
Jul 1, 2024
CA OMFS Update: Physician Services (Q3 2024)
California’s Division of Workers’ Compensation (DWC) issued an update to the Physician and Non-Physician Practitioner portion of the Official Medical Fee Schedule (OMFS) for ...
Anthem's THM Network Closes, Stiffs Providers
Jun 28, 2024
Anthem's THM Network Closes, Stiffs Providers
Workers’ comp providers—in particular ancillary providers like physical therapists (PTs)—take note: if you have treated injured workers through Anthem’s Transparent Health Ma...
DWC MPN Meeting Accomplishes Nothing
Jun 27, 2024
DWC MPN Meeting Accomplishes Nothing
Last week, California’s Division of Workers’ Compensation (DWC) held an informal stakeholder meeting to discuss its proposed changes to the regulations governing Medical Prov...
Zurich - An Example of California's MPN Shell Game
Jun 25, 2024
Zurich - An Example of California's MPN Shell Game
Where opacity and obfuscation reign, injustice thrives. There may be no better example of this than California’s Medical Provider Network (MPN) system. T...
acūrrō Reprocesses Underpaid CA Bills
Jun 24, 2024
acūrrō Reprocesses Underpaid CA Bills
Sometimes, seeking correct reimbursement for treating injured workers doesn’t require a battle between providers and payers. Claims administrators and their vendors ca...
CA MPNs Harm Employers, Injured Workers &  Providers
Jun 19, 2024
CA MPNs Harm Employers, Injured Workers & Providers
California’s Medical Provider Network (MPN) system is an unmitigated failure, causing genuine harm to injured workers, health care providers, and employers. The Divisi...
CA DWC: Claims Administrators' IBR Wingman
Jun 17, 2024
CA DWC: Claims Administrators' IBR Wingman
In California, claims administrators can expect little or no repercussions for failing to comply with workers’ comp payment laws and regulations. Meanwhile, the Divisi...
Sedgwick: 17,225 Audit Complaints Sent to DWC
Jun 14, 2024
Sedgwick: 17,225 Audit Complaints Sent to DWC
Sedgwick Claims Management, Inc. continues to defy California law and regulations for properly responding to Second Review appeals. And why wouldn’t they, without any consequ...