California Workers' Comp

How Networks & MPNs Decimated CA Physical Therapists
Apr 13, 2023
How Networks & MPNs Decimated CA Physical Therapists
To grasp just how ruinous Medical Provider Networks (MPNs) can be for California providers and injured workers, look no further than the tragic situation of physical therapis...
Marriott - Networks Pocket Doctors' Pay
Apr 12, 2023
Marriott - Networks Pocket Doctors' Pay
Does the Marriott hotel chain know where the money really goes when it pays for its employees’ medical treatment?Self-insured and with its own in-house claims administ...
MPNs: CA Assembly Bill 1278 Guarantees Delayed Care
Apr 10, 2023
MPNs: CA Assembly Bill 1278 Guarantees Delayed Care
California Assembly Bill 1278, apparently designed to improve the disastrous Medical Provider Network (MPN) system, is nothing but a continued abdication of California...
Sedgwick, Please Accept a Free Gift From daisyBill
Apr 6, 2023
Sedgwick, Please Accept a Free Gift From daisyBill
Sedgwick Claims Management Services, daisyBill is here for you.We notice that you struggle mightily with correctly calculating reimbursements under California’s...
Defense Attorney: "MPNs Benefit No One"
Apr 5, 2023
Defense Attorney: "MPNs Benefit No One"
An attorney who represents workers’ comp payers felt compelled to share his viewpoint on Medical Provider Networks (MPNs) with daisyBill. His take: MPNs are useless to employ...
What CA Doctors Must Know Before Signing a PPO Contract
Apr 4, 2023
What CA Doctors Must Know Before Signing a PPO Contract
Preferred Provider Organizations (PPOs) and Medical Provider Networks (MPNs) are causing chaos for California employers, injured workers, and healthcare providers. Tha...
CA DWC Must Stop Pretending MPNs Work
Mar 30, 2023
CA DWC Must Stop Pretending MPNs Work
A real friend tells the truth, even when it’s uncomfortable to hear. As advocates for a better workers’ comp system, we haven’t been shy about pointing out its shortco...
MPNs: Why MDs Won't Treat Injured Workers
Mar 29, 2023
MPNs: Why MDs Won't Treat Injured Workers
The video replay of our free webinar on Preferred Provider Organization (PPO) discounts is now available to stream! The webinar slide deck is also available to download.<...
CA MPN Access Requirements: Real or Mirage?
Mar 27, 2023
CA MPN Access Requirements: Real or Mirage?
On paper, an MPN (Medical Provider Network) is simply a group of providers established by an insurer or self-insured employer; injured workers may only seek care from the pro...
CA OMFS Update: Physician Services (Q2 2023)
Mar 24, 2023
CA OMFS Update: Physician Services (Q2 2023)
California’s Division of Workers’ Compensation (DWC) issued an update to the Physician and Non-Physician Practitioner portion of the Official Medical Fee Schedule (OMFS) for ...
ACE / Sedgwick Low Payments Reveal PPO Problem
Mar 23, 2023
ACE / Sedgwick Low Payments Reveal PPO Problem
If you’ve ever wondered why so many California doctors avoid treating injured workers, stop wondering.  Three separate bills from the same provider to the same insurer...
Mirage Provider Networks: Sedgwick Can't Identify MPN
Mar 20, 2023
Mirage Provider Networks: Sedgwick Can't Identify MPN
At this point, Medical Provider Networks (MPNs) can feel like little more than a cruel joke, offering seemingly ephemeral benefits to providers while exacting a heavy toll in...