Video: 30-Second RFAs for CA Workers' Comp

Video: 30-Second RFAs for CA Workers' Comp

Let’s face facts: treating injured workers is a massive administrative pain for California providers and their staff. And that pain starts with the mandated employer authorization for all treatment.

To ensure reimbursement for medical services, providers must include proof of employer authorization — i.e. a Utilization Review (UR) decision approving the requested treatment — with the bill.

That means completing and submitting a formal Request for Authorization (RFA) with supporting documents to the claims administrator, then tracking the response to the RFA to confirm permission to treat. This can require significant staff time and effort.

…or it can be easy, with the right technology.

Below, see the first in our series of brief videos on how workers’ comp-specific technology can make the entire authorization process quick, painless, and even a little fun.

daisyAuth: 30-Second RFAs

daisyAuth software enables practices to submit complete, compliant Request for Authorization (RFA) forms and the required supporting documents in 30 seconds less, as demonstrated below:

That’s possible because daisyAuth:

  • Auto-populates DWC form RFA with patient, practice, and injury information
  • Auto-populates ICD-10 diagnosis codes
  • Allows easy drag & drop uploads of supporting documentation
  • Prompts staff when documentation is missing or form fields are incomplete

Staff can even create RFA templates for future use, saving even more time.

Each and every RFA is complete, compliant, and includes both the required RFA fax cover sheet and a unique barcode to match RFAs with subsequent Utilization Review (UR) decisions.

The best part? daisyAuth produces a timestamped fax receipt for every RFA, and automatically establishes the due date for the UR decision. If the payer doesn’t respond in time, your practice is informed, and can take appropriate action.

Getting authorization doesn’t have to be a slog. Stay tuned for future videos!

Authorization is the first hurdle in the workers’ comp obstacle course. Enjoy 30-second RFA submission and automatically tracked UR decisions with daisyAuth — request a demo below!


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