Claims Admin Directory: Average Days to Pay Explored

Claims Admin Directory: Average Days to Pay Explored

Perhaps the biggest challenge facing workers’ comp providers in California and across the US: getting paid on time. 

Inconsistent cash flow can back up accounts receivable and throw practice revenue management into chaos. That’s why electronic billing is so empowering for providers — not only do claims administrators generally pay e-bills faster; just as importantly, e-billing data easily reveals whether a given claims administrator fails to pay e-bills timely.

Below, we outline how daisyBill’s Claims Administrator Directory — now publicly available —  reveals which payers reimburse providers timely (and which do not) for treating injured workers.

California-Specific Payment Data

In addition to national data, the Claims Administrator Directory provides statistics on average days to payment for each claims administrator for California bills specifically. California-specific data for each claims administrator reflects the previous quarter; our software updates this quarterly data 30 days after the close of the preceding quarter. 

The average days to payment for California workers’ comp bills are broken down by service type, which include:

  • Medical treatment and services
  • Copy services
  • Medical-Legal services
  • Interpreter services
  • Facility services
  • Pharmacy services

As an example, below is Liberty Mutual’s claims administrator page, which lists the average number of business days in which Liberty Mutual paid all bills, of each type, submitted by daisyBill providers.

The page also displays the overall average number of days in which the claims administrator paid all California workers’ comp bills submitted by daisyBill providers.

In Liberty Mutual’s case, our providers received reimbursement, on average, in 6.8 days over the fourth quarter of 2021 for all service types. This is especially commendable since California law mandates that claims administrators have 15 working days to pay workers’ comp e-bills for medical services (and 60 calendar days for Medical-Legal services).

Not all claims administrators share Liberty Mutual’s promptness, however. If your practice struggles with cash flow, use the Claims Administrator Directory to determine if the late payments represent a systemic business practice employed by the payer.

National Payment Data

The Claims Administrator Directory offers detailed information on all 593 claims administrators billed by daisyBill provider clients, in all states and the Federal Department of Labor.

To access this information, providers can search for a given claims administrator on the Directory home page, then navigate to that claims administrator’s specific information page as shown below.

Shown below, the data on Liberty Mutual’s page begins with national numbers on:

  • Total number of daisyBill providers billing Liberty Mutual
  • Total number of injuries for which daisyBill providers submitted bills to Liberty Mutual
  • Total number of bills sent by daisyBill providers to Liberty Mutual
  • Total average number of days in which Liberty Mutual paid all bills from daisyBill providers nationwide

For each claims administrator, national data is updated daily, and always reflects the preceding 365 calendar days. As the page shows, Liberty Mutual paid our providers’ e-bills in an average of 7 days nationally (not bad!). This is consistent with Liberty Mutual’s average payment speed in California specifically.

The Claims Administrator Directory is a free resource, available to all. Before accepting patients covered by a given insurer, employer, or third-party administrator (TPA), providers should use the Claims Administrator Directory to check the payment stats — and avoid payers with a tendency to drag their feet.

Empower your practice. Make workers’ comp authorization, billing, and appeals easier, faster, and better with daisyBill. Reach out and see how we can help.


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