Texas DWC Provider Boot Camp Starts Soon!

Texas DWC Provider Boot Camp Starts Soon!

Texas providers treating injured workers, your state’s Division of Workers’ Compensation (TX DWC) has your back.

The next round of the agency’s Provider Boot Camp begins August 1. This 8-part live webinar and Q&A series is a gold mine of information for any provider looking to ensure compliance with workers’ comp laws and regulations, obtain treatment authorization and correct reimbursement, resolve payment disputes, and more.

Having attended the last round of Boot Camp webinars, daisyNews can report that these are substantive, extremely helpful sessions full of vital information. Learning from these webinars can save your practice time and hassle.

Not every state has the advantage of a proactive DWC that’s responsive to providers’ needs—looking at you, California. Every Texas provider should take advantage of the opportunity and attend!

Resources for TX Workers’ Comp Providers

The TX DWC will host an 8-lesson “Health Care Provider Boot Camp” via Zoom beginning on August 1, 2024 and continuing through August 28. Topics will include:

  • Provider roles and responsibilities
  • Identifying workers’ comp patients
  • Billing procedures
  • Reimbursement
  • Authorization, medical necessity, and Utilization Review (UR)
  • Workers’ comp networks
  • Return to Work and Work Status Reports

Just as critically, each webinar includes time for Q&A, so attendees can get clarification on any of the details presented.  Attendees will also receive digital copies of the slide presentations for reference.

In every state, workers’ comp involves regulatory and administrative complexities that often hamstring providers, leading many to abandon workers’ comp altogether. In order to keep the treatment of injured workers financially sustainable, practices must equip themselves with reliable information.

For the TX DWC to take it upon themselves to make this kind of information accessible is a service to injured workers, who in many places find it increasingly difficult to find providers willing to treat them.

In states like California, providers are not only abandoned by providers; the California DWC actively defends the interests of payers, allows rampant claims administrator non-compliance, and cannot be bothered to provide even the most basic necessary information.

In other words, Texas is a relatively good place to treat injured workers. Thanks to the proactive efforts of the TX DWC, providers are informed, supported, and treated equitably. Use this to your advantage, and your practice will be better off for it.

Nationwide, daisyBill increases revenue and decreases hassle for providers who treat injured workers. Get a free demonstration below.


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