California Workers' Comp

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Apr 23, 2014
New CMS 1500 Form
Starting April 1, 2014, providers in California must use a new CMS 1500 form when submitting bills for treatment provided to injured workers.  The transition period has come ...
Electronic Billing Timelines
Apr 22, 2014
Electronic Billing Timelines
One of the greatest benefits of electronic billing for workers compensation is how much it speeds up the whole process. In addition, work comp e-billing helps with making sur...
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Apr 19, 2014
Electronic Billing in a Nutshell
THE LAWThe electronic billing mandate is a statute that's in the Labor Code, as Title 8 of CCR: Sections 9792.5.1(b), 9792.5.2(c) and 9792.5.3(b).In effect sinc...
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Apr 16, 2014
The Benefits of Acknowledgement Protocols
For workers' comp medical e-bills, acknowledgement protocols are designed to catch the following billing errors before review by a claims administrator: e-Bills submit...
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Apr 15, 2014
Electronic Billing Compliance for Claims Administrators
In California, electronic billing has been mandated for workers compensation medical bills since October 18th, 2012.  For claims administrators, this means that you mu...
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Feb 26, 2014
California Specific Work Comp Codes
As providers still billing on paper begin to receive payments for their January 2014 dates of service, we’re receiving inquiries about the California specific codes that beca...
More Work Comp Questions Answered
Jan 21, 2014
More Work Comp Questions Answered
We are cruising through January and still collecting questions from providers.  We’re happy to answer them and here are a few more of our most common ones.
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Jan 9, 2014
How Do I Keep Track of Fee Schedules?
We wish we had a better answer for this other than the one we're going to give you which is how we keep track:
Let's Talk Second Reviews
Jan 7, 2014
Let's Talk Second Reviews
From our provider RBRVS webinar yesterday we gathered there are some questions out there about what the components are for a compliant second review submitted on paper. As re...
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Jan 2, 2014
Welcome, RBRVS!
Today is January 2, 2014 and yesterday RBRVS became effective.  We've been preparing for this day for weeks, months even!  We were ready to go with time to spare prior to the...
Your Top 5 RBRVS Questions, Answered
Jan 2, 2014
Your Top 5 RBRVS Questions, Answered
We're not kidding when we say that we heard from A LOT of providers in the last two weeks.  We love talking to you and being a resource for your questions. We thought it migh...