
CA DWC: Claims Administrators' IBR Wingman
Jun 17, 2024
CA DWC: Claims Administrators' IBR Wingman
In California, claims administrators can expect little or no repercussions for failing to comply with workers’ comp payment laws and regulations. Meanwhile, the Divisi...
Med-Legal Company Collects $1M From Appeals in 2023
Jun 11, 2024
Med-Legal Company Collects $1M From Appeals in 2023
How much money is your practice leaving on the table? daisyData show that in 2023, one California client collected over $1 million from submitting Second...
Gallagher Bassett Denies Bill, Spews Nonsense, Ignores Appeal
Jun 5, 2024
Gallagher Bassett Denies Bill, Spews Nonsense, Ignores Appeal
Welcome to California workers’ comp, where a claims administrator’s legal obligation to timely pay providers’ bills is more a matter of theory than practice.Safe from ...
CA Provider Warning: P&S vs Med-Legal Reports
May 29, 2024
CA Provider Warning: P&S vs Med-Legal Reports
This is an essential report warning for California providers. A Permanent and Stationary (PR-4) report and a Medical-Legal evaluation report are not interchangeable. Before i...
C'mon, Sedgwick: TPA Tries PPO Discount for Med-Legal (Again)
Apr 18, 2024
C'mon, Sedgwick: TPA Tries PPO Discount for Med-Legal (Again)
We’ll say it as often as we have to: Preferred Provider Organization (PPO) discounts do not apply to bills for Medical-Legal services. It’s a lesson that Sedgwick Clai...
CA Med-Legal: $93M+ for Record Review in 2023
Apr 4, 2024
CA Med-Legal: $93M+ for Record Review in 2023
With attorneys dumping tens of millions of pages of medical records on California Medical-Legal evaluators annually, daisyBill physicians conducted over $93 million worth of ...
Payment Data: CA Med-Legal Bills Paid in < 10 Days
Mar 14, 2024
Payment Data: CA Med-Legal Bills Paid in < 10 Days
How quickly are you being paid for Medical-Legal evaluations? If it takes more than two weeks, it’s time for a change.Many physician evaluators use Medical-Legal manag...
CA Med-Legal Billing: 3 Tips to Win IBR Disputes
Feb 29, 2024
CA Med-Legal Billing: 3 Tips to Win IBR Disputes
Statistically, California Medical-Legal evaluators are highly likely to prevail at Independent Bill Review (IBR) — but that doesn’t mean physician evaluators can’t benefit fr...
CA Med-Legal MDs: Don't Accept Denials or Adjustments - IBR Works!
Feb 28, 2024
CA Med-Legal MDs: Don't Accept Denials or Adjustments - IBR Works!
California Medical-Legal physician evaluators, Independent Bill Review (IBR) is your friend.According to data from the Division of Workers’ Compensation (DWC), 96% of ...
CA: Med-Legal Makes More Financial Sense Than Treatment
Jan 30, 2024
CA: Med-Legal Makes More Financial Sense Than Treatment
California physicians must come to terms with an uncomfortable fact: financially, a physician’s time is much better spent conducting Medical-Legal evaluations than actually t...
Sedgwick Ignores Medical-Legal Bills
Aug 17, 2023
Sedgwick Ignores Medical-Legal Bills
Some claims administrators treat California workers’ comp laws and regulations as optional — and there may be no more egregious example than Sedgwick Claims Management Servic...
Gallagher Bassett Plays IBR Chicken With QME
May 16, 2023
Gallagher Bassett Plays IBR Chicken With QME
Gallagher Bassett seemingly tried its hand at the game of IBR Chicken, forcing a Qualified Medical Evaluator (QME) to waste time, money, and resources on a needless dispute —...