SCIF to Correct Payment Errors

SCIF to Correct Payment Errors

California’s State Compensation Insurance Fund (SCIF) stepped up and promised to fix all bills affected by its mistaken use of the 2018 Official Medical Fee Schedule.

The SCIF reprocessing, which will benefit both DaisyBill clients and non-clients alike, seems to stem directly from DaisyBill’s advocacy efforts.

We were pleasantly surprised when a representative from SCIF contacted DaisyBill regarding our coverage of systematic underpayments due to SCIF’s incorrect use of the 2018 fee schedule. SCIF took accountability for the payment errors and promised to reprocess all affected bills using the correct 2019 fee schedule.

The SCIF agreement to reprocess these bills extends to all providers affected by the error, not just bills submitted by DaisyBill. Our coverage of SCIF, the largest insurance carrier (by market share) in California, effectively benefits all affected California providers. We hope that other claims administrators, like York, Sedgwick, and Liberty Mutual will follow SCIF’s example.

Let us know if and when SCIF reprocesses your bills: email us or phone us and we’ll share providers’ experiences. Anonymously, of course.

Despite our experience with Sedgwick and the so-far empty promises of its Vice President of Compliance to rectify Sedgwick payment errors, we are cautiously encouraged by SCIF’s commitment to make providers whole.

DaisyBill’s electronic billing platform allowed us to quickly spot the pattern of underpayments and to then alert the community to the claims administrators’ mistakes. With paper bill submissions, this trend wouldn’t have come to light for quite some time, prolonging the reimbursement debacle for all involved. Check out what electronic billing can do for you today.


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